Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour.
The first dungeon that this mod had added is the Sliders’ Labyrinth.This ensures everyone gets a chance at dungeons, rather than whoever gets there first. Dungeons also regenerate their loot, mini-bosses and bosses after a party leaves it, meaning that content is available for other parties.This prevents players from running the same dungeon for easy loot. A dungeon becomes exhausted for a player either after the player finishes it or leaves when inside the dungeon three times. The third mode is “conquered”, which occurs after a player in your party has exhausted that dungeon. The second mode is “occupied”, meaning a party is already inside the dungeon.
The first mode is “available” meaning the dungeon is free for any party to enter. Only one party can be present in a dungeon at any given time. Since a party can only have up to 10 players, dungeons will present a decent challenge to players. When the party is ready, you simply right-click on the dungeon door and everyone confirms if they’re ready. Instead of players rushing into a dungeon and demolishing whatever’s there and looting, the dungeon system requires players to form a party first. Dungeon blocks regenerate instantly if broken, meaning no one can get inside even with creative mode. This system isolates dungeons from the main world and functions with the party system. One of the features we have worked on for this release is the dungeon system.Now with the party system, you can form a party with your friends, complete with an overlay UI which lets you see who’s in your party, their health, their hunger, their armour and the amount of coins they have, without the need for plugins! Players can name their own party, and the maximum party size is 10 players. Previously in Minecraft, the only real way to form a group with others without having to worry about things such as friendly fire were from overlaying plugins such as factions or towny over a Minecraft server. Fight and defeat dungeons, and if all else false, try your luck at using some Continuum!
A full set of Neptune armor, for example will allow you to walk across the depths of the ocean with ease, and a full set of Valkyrie armor will allow you to fly! Getting your hands on these mythic sets won’t be easy, though. The Aether 2 is also accompanied by several new sets of armor each accompanied by its own special ability.Search and discover each new ore and unlock its secrets! While exploring the Aether you’ll come across a variety of new ores, such as Ambrosium and Gravitite.Features:The Aether introduces several huge mechanical features to enhance the experience both in the Aether and everywhere else in Minecraft.