Store items in an expansive storage room.Similarly, you can make your Retainers clones of yourself, though only you can see them in either case.Ī Retainer has many skills necessary to expanding your wealth. When hiring a Retainer, you have the ability to customize their appearance to your liking saved character data from the benchmark program can be used if you do not wish to remake a new character from scratch.

After that, you can purchase up to 7 additional Retainers at the Mog Station outside of the game. In the marketplace of the three City-States, there will be a Retainer Consignor. Some dungeons may have two difficulties: regular and hard. Level 14 players cannot enter the dungeon and level 19 and above players are level synced down to level 18 upon entering. For example: Sastasha s level requirements are 15-18. After completing the quest, players will then be able to hire a retainer. Dungeons are some of the most common instances to be played using Duty Finder matching. Enter the Retainer.īefore you can begin to sell stuff, you must first complete the quest Scions of the Seventh Dawn. In order to utilize the Markets, you must hire someone to manage your wares. You can specify which levels you'd like to search for as well, which helps filter out items that are too high or low level for you. If you're looking for something specific, you can use the search bar to quickly find it. Once you select something you'd like to shop for, the menu will open a list of sellers who are currently selling that item, adjusted to show you the lowest-priced item first. Once you've found it, the menu will suggest a list of items in the field on the right. Simply skim through the icons on the left side of the menu until you find the category of item that you're looking for. In this menu, you can very quickly whittle down the selection of items you'd like to find. For example, the market board in Limsa Lominsa is directly to the west of the Aetheryte Plaza. Market boards exist in every major city, and you can quickly identify them on your map. Simply walk over to the local market board and interact with it to open the buying menu. As long as you have the gil in your wallet, you can buy whatever you want on the market board from the very start of your character's existence in Eorzea.