Killer Rabbit: The Pre-Final Boss is Yacopu, who turns out to be a rabbit.Guest Fighter: Yacopu originated from the Sunsoft Gameboy game, Trip World, bringing with him his ability to shape-shift and the penultimate boss theme.Expy: Rouwe is a secret boss, old, a Shotoclone, and extremely powerful both in-universe and in-game.Captain Space, Defender of Earth!: Main protagonist Rolf fits the bill in his aesthetic with a heroic personality, and his moveset involves him using a ray gun and jet pack, for example.Breath Weapon: Considering that he's a giant reptile, one of Gunter's specials involves him breathing fire at his enemy.And then you fight him against the backdrop of a rapidly-warping nebula. Astral Finale: The introduction to Felden involves the map screen being sucked into a black hole.The only person that Felden admits to losing to. Rouwe: A secret boss only fought if you beat arcade mode without losing a single round.If he's not a literal God, then he's certainly close to it. Originating from the Sunsoft Gameboy game, Trip World. Yacopu: Rouwe's pet rabbit, able to shape-shift into the opponent during the second round.Bonus: A literal punching bag that appears in the bonus round.Done): An amnesiac thug seeking to regain the memories of who he is, who seems to have a link with Felden.Īlso playable in the game's Saturn port are the boss characters:

Musafar: Built by the Fakir Empire, Musafar is sent to gather data on the galaxy's strongest fighters so that it can help in the Fakir Empire's dreams of galactic conquest.Alvan: Prince of the ruined planet Rozalis, Alvan seeks to avenge the genocide of his people at the hands of Felden.Gunter: A giant reptilian alien that, upon the heeding of a prophecy, fights for his tribe.Roomi: A ditzy cat girl that wants to be more popular.Juri: Growing up on the streets and dumped by the guy she loved, Juri wants to fight Felden in order to prove her worth.Kazuma: A space ninja that accompanies Rolf, who he also declares as his sworn rival, on his adventures.Seeking revenge against Felden for murdering three of his friends, as well as trying to bring Roomi back to her father. Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors is a 1995 fighting developed by Sunsoft for the Neo Geo, the first in an impromptu trilogy followed up by Waku Waku 7 and Astra Superstars.